PCS and ICTU standing against Racism in Belfast

PCS will support the rally called by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) to be held at Parliament Buildings on Thursday (8), opposing the violent disorder and attacks on individuals, their homes and businesses.

The Northern Ireland Assembly is being recalled to discuss the violent disorder and hate-related incidents which have occurred in Belfast in the past few days. The ICTU has organised a protest rally at the steps of Parliament Buildings, Stormont and is encouraging as many trade union members and affiliates as possible to attend. The rally starts at 11 a.m. on Thursday 8 August.

ICTU President Justin McCamphill said “Whipping up hate and fear is not acceptable. As trade unions in the region, we will continue to work with our members in workplaces across Southport and beyond, to provide practical support and solidarity and defeat the narrative of hate.

“We at ICTU will also continue to work with all vulnerable and marginalised groups across the community, provide training and support for any workplace and ensure that the virus of racism is expunged from our offices, our factories, our hospitals and our streets.”

PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote said "The recent surge in violence and hate-related incidents in Belfast is deeply troubling. PCS stands in solidarity with the ICTU and all who oppose racism and bigotry.

“Our union has always championed equality and justice, and we are committed to ensuring that our workplaces and communities are safe and inclusive for everyone. We urge all our members to join colleagues from across the trade union movement on 8 August to send a clear message: there is no place for hate in Belfast, or anywhere."

PCS will also be supporting Stand Up to Racism demonstrations across the rest of the UK on Wednesday.

Our ARAF (anti racist anti fascist) strategy gives members and reps the tools you need to identify and counteract dangerous, racist narratives. We urge members who are attending any counter demonstrations to read through the safety guidance on page 12 of the document.