PCS delegation to Ukraine

PCS is sending a solidarity delegation to Ukraine next week to meet trade unionists, visit workplaces and help deliver aid.

The delegation will be made up of our assistant general secretary John Moloney and NEC member Bev Laidlaw and they will be guided by the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign.

Our national executive committee also agreed a donation to buy urgent medical supplies when it met this week.

During their time in the country, John and Bev, will:

• Meet the leadership of our sister union, the SEU

• Attend the congress of the KVPU (one of the two union federations in Ukraine)

• Visit a hospital and meet officials from the Free Trade Union of Medical Workers of Ukraine

• Meet the leadership of the miners’ union

• Visit workplaces and learn more of how unions are operating under war conditions.

We will provide updates of the visit on our social media channels.