PCS condemns week of violence

PCS sends sincere condolences to those affected by Monday's tragic events, and solidarity to all caught up in this week’s violence.

We will all have been horrified by the events that took place in Southport on Monday and the tragic loss of life of three innocent children. There are no words to properly convey the emotions many are feeling. The thoughts of everyone at PCS are with the families and loved ones of those who have died, are receiving treatment for their injuries, and anyone caught up in the horror that unfolded.

There can be no doubt that it is they who should be the priority for anyone who truly cares about what happened on Monday.

Sadly, throughout the week we have seen terrible scenes and further acts of violence across the country, as shamefully some have sought to use the tragic events in Southport as an excuse to spread division and hatred within our communities. In particular the far right have used the killings to mobilise and organise demonstrations, despicably starting in Southport on Tuesday evening, in a number of towns and cities in England, and we are also now aware of other events organised across the UK this weekend.

PCS condemns the scenes of violence and disorder at a time all our energy and efforts should be focused on those affected by Monday’s events.

Our union, alongside many others across our movement, rejects the actions of those who seek to divide our communities and spread hate, based on mistruths and unverified information. It is shameful that they have attacked emergency service workers, transport workers, and innocent civilians, as well as destroying property and places of worship.

Southport and other communities do not need further violence, and whipping up hate and fear is not acceptable.

PCS will continue to work with other trade unions and activist groups, while helping our members in workplaces, to provide practical support and solidarity and defeat the narrative of hate.

If anyone has been affected by the terrible events of last Monday or by the disorder, and by the openly displayed racism that has followed please consider using either of our helplines below.

Stress counselling

The Health Assured telephone helpline 0161 836 9383 is available 24-hours a day, is confidential, independent and provides counselling and emotional support on family issues, bereavement, trauma, relationship issues and stress-related conditions.

Race Incidents

We have a racial incident helpline (020 7801 2678) for reporting any type of racist incident at work. It is staffed during regular office hours (9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays, excluding bank holidays).