PCS calls for ceasefire in Gaza

The PCS national executive committee has called for members to support the Palestine Solidarity Campaign demonstrations over Gaza on 11 November.

PCS has been affiliated for many years to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), the biggest organisation in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights. The PSC is calling for an immediate ceasefire.

At its October meeting our NEC agreed a statement on Israel and Gaza. The statement condemned the massacres of civilians and the taking of hostages in Israel by Hamas forces. The NEC also called on the UK Government to condemn Israel for its “horrifying” response, a form of collective punishment which is against international law.

Since then, Gaza has become a humanitarian disaster zone as Israeli military forces have proceeded to bombard and invade civilian areas with no regard for the loss of life they are causing. PCS members will understandably be angry and upset at the scenes coming out of Gaza, and the terror inflicted by the Israeli state on the people of Palestine. Members have also expressed disappointment and anger at the lack of condemnation from the major powers of world politics, including our own politicians.

The next national march takes place on Saturday, 11 November. The planned route is Hyde Park to the US embassy in Vauxhall, and the march is due to begin at noon. 

At its meeting this week, our NEC also agreed to make a donation to the PSC to help cover some of the costs of further demonstrations and to issue communications to members outlining the PCS position regarding Palestine, including support for an immediate ceasefire, explaining members' rights to express opinions and support demonstrations, and what they should do if challenged by the employer.