Pan-Equality Forum

Jordan David, GEC Equality Lead explains the importance of the forum.

At his speech to the Conservative Party conference this year, chancellor Jeremy Hunt placed equality and diversity clearly in the firing line. The Treasury has since announced that it will be conducting an audit of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) spending in the civil service, with the Daily Express reporting that this could amount to as many as 10,000 job losses.

As trade unionists, we know that when the economy performs poorly those with minority protected characteristics are scapegoated. In our workplaces, the anti-EDI agenda threatens the protections and adjustments that many of our members rely on to allow them to work effectively. Unions cannot combat this assault on a case-by-case basis – we need a robust response.

The PCS Home Office group executive committee (GEC) has considered how best to organise our members around equality issues and campaigns and will be convening the first meeting of a monthly pan-equality forum in the new year. Any members with an interest in equality matters are welcome to attend.

The pan-equality forum will strengthen the link between the GEC and the PCS equality networks and advise the GEC of equality issues impacting members in the workplace.

The aim of the pan-equality forum is to provide a space for members from across the 30 Home Office branches to come together to discuss the equality issues in their workplaces, identify common trends and to escalate these issues appropriately. The forum is also an opportunity for members to become more involved in campaigns and celebrating equality events, such as Black History Month and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Most importantly, the forum will be member-led.

The first meeting of the pan-equality forum will take place on MS Teams from 1-2pm on Tuesday 23 January. 

Please contact your local branch officers for the joining instructions.