In our A to Z of benefits of joining PCS, O is for Organising

We build our union through organising, so that we can defend and improve our members’ terms and conditions and protect the public services they deliver.

The PCS approach to organising is about growing our membership across the civil service and related areas and getting members actively involved.

PCS is committed to increasing workplace organisation and we aim to have a PCS rep or advocate in every workplace.

 Every PCS member belongs to a branch, which is a locally organised group of union members within employer groups (such as the DWP or Home Office). Each branch has branch officers and reps who are PCS members who have volunteered to carry out work on behalf of that branch’s members.

 Branches hold regular annual general meetings which are open to all members. The purpose of an AGM is to bring members together to elect reps, decide on policies they wish the branch to pursue, and consider motions for PCS’s annual conference.

 As a democratic union, run by its members for its members, PCS policies and priorities are decided at our conference. As a PCS member you will be invited to vote on union policy, decide on the issues that matter most to you and your colleagues, and have your voice heard at every level of your union.

We encourage all our members to get more active in PCS to build our strength across the civil service and related areas.

If you would like more information on how to get involved, speak to your local rep or email

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