One week to go to vote in the ballot. Use your vote now!

Our consultative ballot closes on 12 noon on 31 August, a week today.

Our online, consultative ballot opened on 3 August and closes on Thursday 31 August at 12 noon.

The union is asking you to vote yes to the plan to halt strike action for now so we can conclude pay negotiations in each department and continue talks on job security, pay and grading structures.

Every PCS member who has provided a personal (not work) email address will have received an email directly from the independent scrutineer (from the email account with instructions on how to vote. Other members will have received a ballot paper in the post.

As the ballot is online, you can vote right up until the last minute but it’s better to vote now, so that you remember to take part.  If you haven’t voted yet you will receive reminders by email and may receive a phone call from PCS to your personal mobile number.

Read our FAQs on the ballot.

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