Not yet voted in the ballot? Expect a phone call from PCS

We want to encourage as many members as possible to vote in our online ballot.

With our online consultative ballot well underway and voting open until 31 August, we want to make sure as many members as possible have their say. If you haven’t voted yet, you can expect a call from us this week.

The ballot asks members in the civil service and related areas to support the union's plan for the next stage in our campaign on pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security.

We are encouraging members to vote yes.

If you haven’t told us you’ve voted by clicking through on the link that automatically appears after you have voted online, or by informing your rep, a PCS volunteer will try to call you this week to remind you to vote. The number that will come up on your mobile will be 0207 801 2798.

The PCS volunteer will remind you about the ballot and ask if you have voted but not how you have voted.

Read our FAQs about the ballot.

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