New Wales conference shows PCS democracy in action

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka said that today’s inaugural PCS Wales Devolved Policy Making Conference is an example of our union’s democracy in action.

“We were conscious of the demand from members in Wales and Scotland of the need for greater devolution and that decisions affecting members in Wales should be made by Welsh members and Welsh reps,” he told the conference in Cardiff.

Mark, who retires as general secretary in the new year, thanked Welsh reps and branches for their dedication to the union over many years.

“I hope this will become a very important event for members in Wales and attendance will grow year on year,” he said. 

He also gave an update on intensive talks with the Cabinet Office on our national campaign, where we will be making our case for national collective bargaining on pay and also demanding that systemic low and unequal pay, which has blighted the civil service and related areas for years, is addressed.

Mark called on delegates to ensure we have a historically high turnout in the elections for general secretary and assistant general secretary which begin next month.

“Our aim has to be to get every member to engage in that election,” he said. “Those leaders need a mandate based on tens of thousands of members voting.”

“When we have stood together in unity, got reps fighting tooth and nail, we have made some pretty staggering progress.”

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