New series of strikes begins at The Pensions Regulator

From 28 February, the members will be taking 12 more days of strike action in their dispute over pay.

Around 380 PCS members in The Pensions Regulator (TPR) will be on strike again from 28 February, continuing on 29 February and 1, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, and 20 March 2024 in their dispute over pay.

Members are deeply disappointed that the continued intransigence of TPR is forcing them into their seventh month of industrial action. 

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote wrote to the TPR chief executive Nausicaa Delfas at the beginning of the month but received no response to a request to meet. Fran said: "“Our members are deeply disappointed their chief executive has refused to meet me. 

“We have put together a set of very reasonable proposals but Nausicaa Delfas won’t even agree to discuss them.

“Her head-in-the-sand attitude has led to the dispute’s continuation. It is on her.

“If she cared about her staff’s welfare and her organisation’s reputation, she would meet with me and work towards a speedy resolution.” 


Ahead of the strike the mood is still very determined and new members are joining every day. This period of strike action will further ramp up the disruption that TPR is still dealing with following the last strike.

One new PCS member said:  “After the cost-of-living increases caused my partner and I to struggle, I had to take on a second job to get by. So when I heard from my union colleagues about the pay dispute, how it wasn’t fairly aligned to Treasury guidance, how TPR was the only bargaining unit to not follow the guidance and how this pay parity could improve not just mine but everyone’s wage, I decided to join PCS in September and strike. I felt horribly guilty and was terrified of striking, but I was also hopeful that TPR would come forward and resolve this dispute quickly.

".....I now feel disappointed by TPR’s actions and my confidence and faith in my employer has dwindled. Watching TPR’s behaviour towards the industrial action and witnessing their continued intransigence just reinforces how necessary this strike is. Not just for pay parity, but to show the positive difference that can be made when we speak as a collective. So I will continue to strike until we are acknowledged and have obtained a fair outcome that benefits all.”

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