National Museums Liverpool members vote for strike action

94% of members said yes to taking strike action over our national campaign.

Nearly 200 PCS members who work at National Museums Liverpool (NML) were balloted from 3-31 January over their willingness to take strike action over our national campaign. Their employer is refusing to pay them the one-off £1,500 cost-of-living payment, one of the concessions made by the government as a result of our campaign.

NML is the only employer out of over 200 covered by the civil service pay remit guidance to withhold this cost-of-living payment.

The ballot result is:
1) Number of individuals entitled to vote in the ballot: 194
2) Number of votes cast: 133 (68.56%)
3) Number of “YES” votes: 125 (93.98)
4) Number of “NO” votes: 8 (6.02%)
5) Number of spoiled voting papers: 0

The number of votes cast in the ballot is at least 50% of the number of members who were entitled to vote and therefore passes the threshold required by law for strike action to take place.

We will be informing NML management of strike dates in due course. We are determined to ensure that the employer makes good on the concessions won in all areas.