MP praises PCS political campaigning

MP Beth Winter praised PCS for “punching above its weight” when it comes to political campaigning, when she spoke to today’s inaugural PCS Wales Devolved Policy Making Conference.

“PCS really does punch above its weight when it comes to getting its message out and campaigning,” Beth told delegates in Cardiff.

“We need to look at how we can use the political levers to bring about transformational change. It is incumbent on every single one of us to hold our elected representatives to account and insist they support you on your picket lines. We have the power in our hands to bring about change.”

The MP for Cynon Valley praised the wave of strike action taken by members over the past year and, also, the union’s Safe Passage for refugees campaign. Take two minutes to complete our e-action to tell your MP why Safe Passage is the best and only answer to stop the boats and save lives.

She also praised our outgoing general secretary Mark Serwotka and Welsh secretary Darren Williams.

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