Men's Health Week: 10-16 June

Men's Health Week, observed annually during the week leading up to Father’s Day, aims to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases among men and boys.

The focus of Men's Health Week highlights the importance of routine check-ups, promotes healthy lifestyle choices, and seeks to reduce risk factors associated with various health conditions. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, mental health issues, and cancers (such as prostate, testicular, and colon cancer) are among the primary concerns targeted during this week.

Men are also statistically less likely to seek help for mental health issues due to societal stigma. Men's Health Week promotes open conversations about mental health, urging men to seek support and emphasising that mental health is as crucial as physical health.

Men’s Health Week can be an excellent starting point to re-evaluate your own health circumstances. If you’re concerned about your health, Men’s Health Week could give you the impetus to seek advice or help or just to make healthier lifestyle choices.

Get help with PCS

The Health Assured telephone helpline 0161 836 9383 is available 24-hours a day, is confidential, independent and provides counselling and emotional support on family issues, bereavement, trauma, relationship issues and stress-related conditions.

PCS members can also access Wisdom an online wellbeing portal providing access to a range of tools and resources including a four-week wellbeing programme, videos and webinars and access to online counselling. To receive the organisation code to gain access please email