Members' Survey - PCS supporting Work and Pensions Select Committee

PCS has agreed to support the Committee by encouraging all DWP front line staff to complete a survey. It will help inform the Committee's work on how DWP safeguards claimants and the recommendations it makes to the Department.  

PCS fully supports the Work and Pensions Select Committee which is currently looking into how DWP supports vulnerable benefit claimants and whether its approach to safeguarding needs to change. Over the course of its inquiry, the Committee has heard from academics, safeguarding experts, lawyers, legal charities, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and DWP ministers. Further information about the inquiry can be found on the parliament website. We encourage members to participate in the survey.

The Committee wants to hear from frontline DWP staff on what you think of DWP’s safeguarding policies, practices and culture. The Committee has opened a survey to gather your views.

The survey includes questions on three areas:

  • Training and guidance for frontline staff on safeguarding
  • Safeguarding policies and practices
  • Frontline staff capacity and level of responsibility in dealing with safeguarding concerns

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will close at midnight on Tuesday 30 April. Please only fill in the survey once.

The evidence gathered from this survey will help to inform the Committee’s inquiry. All responses to the survey will be anonymous and no personal information will be gathered.

Complete the survey

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact for the attention of Mark Page.

What is meant by safeguarding

Safeguarding is a term used for measures put in place to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals – especially those who are vulnerable – and shield them from harm. DWP has a responsibility to support vulnerable claimants should have safeguarding measures in place to support vulnerable people. DWP has also developed safeguarding guidance for staff including the Six Point Plan and guidance on withdrawing benefits from vulnerable claimants.

What does the Work and Pensions Select Committee do?

The Work and Pensions Committee is a cross-party group of MPs that looks into the policies and spending of the Department for Work and Pensions, including benefits for people in and out of work, state pensions and how private pensions are regulated. The Committee also scrutinises DWP’s public bodies and other regulators. It is chaired by Sir Stephen Timms MP.

Further information about the Committee can be found on the Parliament website.