Make sure you can vote in the General Election

The General Election will be held on Thursday 4 July. Before you go to the polling station, you must make sure that you have the right identification documents and are registered to vote.

This year will be the first general election where voters are required to show ID in order to cast their ballot. While the system has been in place in Northern Ireland for many years, this will be the first UK-wide poll where every voter will need ID.

There are many types of photo ID that you can use to vote, such as a full or provisional driving licence or a UK or EU passport.

Find out about the types of voter ID you can use at the general election.

If you don’t have any of these, you can get a Voter Authority Certificate in England, Scotland and Wales or an Electoral Identity Card in Northern Ireland. The deadline for applying for either document is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June.

Register to vote

To cast your vote in the general election you first need to be registered to vote. There’s less than a week to register as the deadline is 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June.

If you live in Northern Ireland you can check with the Electoral Commission to see if you’re already registered. If you live in England, Scotland or Wales you will need to check with your local Electoral Registration Office.

Read PCS’s essential information on the general election.