Look out for the ballot results

We will announce the results of our online consultative ballot as soon as we can after the ballot closes tomorrow (31).

The consultative ballot closes at 12 noon tomorrow,  31 August. We will publish the results on the website as soon as they are confirmed by the independent scrutineers. This is likely to be on Friday 1 September.

The ballot asks you whether you agree with the union’s plan for the next steps in our campaign on pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security. The plan is to pause our strike action, except where employers are refusing to pay the £1,500 cost of living payment, while we engage in departmental talks on pay for 2023/4.

There is still time to vote if you haven’t already.

Maz, who works for DBS in Liverpool, explains the importance of voting:

“We’re member-led so it’s very important. We always worry about whether we get a say in things. Sometimes you hear people say what are the union going to do, and it’s actually up to yourself. It’s very important to be involved and have your say.”

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