Listen to podcast on PCS fight against the demonisation of refugees

PCS head of bargaining Paul O'Connor spoke to The Civil Fleet podcast about the acclaimed work the union has done in solidarity with refugees and to protect our members in the Home Office from being subjected to a hostile working environment.

So far, our campaigning work has seen us win two judicial reviews against the government – one that prevented our members from being forced to carry out a dangerous pushbacks manoeuvre on small boats in the English Channel; and the other on the inhumane Rwanda deportation policy. 

We have also developed a policy of Safe Passage, a humane alternative to the Rwanda policy.  We believe that the policy is the only workable solution to the tragic loss of life in the English Channel.  It is a policy that protects refugees and our members and we are campaigning for the government to adopt it.

Our work in this arena has won widespread acclaim for PCS across the trade union movement and across other progressive organisations in society.  

In an interview with The Civil Fleet, a podcast that focuses on refugee rescuers, PCS head of bargaining Paul O'Connor, who has led the union's work on this issue, tells the full story. 

He explains why this is a trade union issue; and why the government's demonisation of refugees is a deliberate deflection tactic to mask their catastrophic failings on the living standards of the UK population.

Paul also explains why this is the story of ordinary workers doing extraordinary things; and why the interests of workers in the UK and the interests of refugees are shared.  

He also talks about the importance of working class solidarity, anti-fascism and why a more progressive asylum and immigration policy is in the interests of the nation.

Listen to the podcast.