Julia McMurray-Quinn service details

Remembering long-standing PCS activist Julia McMurray-Quinn

The celebration for Julia McMurray-Quinn will take place on Monday 22 July 2024 at 11:00am at Kilmarnock and District Independent Funeral Service, Church Street, Kilmarnock; followed by burial at Galston Cemetery.

PCS appreciates a lot of PCS friends and family will be unable to attend, unfortunately the service will not be streamed.

At the request of Rory and family they ask for no flowers but instead they intend taking a collection for the Adult Critical Care Unit at University Hospital Wishaw, that gave Julia the greatest care in the weeks before her passing, and who supported the family so well.

Rather than individual donations please send any amount, however large or small, to PCS Glasgow branch's bank account, and the branch will make one transfer. Due to some issues, the branch is using their old Cumbernauld account, until a new branch account can be set up. The branch will share the total transfer amount when it is known. 

The account details are: name - Accounts Office Cumbernauld 200 Club, sort code 87-79-14, account number 00019612.

The branch suggests that next Monday, friends and colleagues could consider wearing something bright in memory of Julia.