Join this weekend’s action for Palestine

Events are being held across the UK this weekend to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

This week, fighting resumed in Gaza after a seven-day temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas expired. PCS supports the call for a permanent ceasefire and an end to violence on all sides.

In October, our national executive committee issued a statement on Israel and Gaza, calling for all sides, and the international community, to work to end the conflict. PCS is affiliated to both the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Stop the War Coalition and has been supporting and speaking at demonstrations across the UK in recent weeks.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has called for demonstrations to take place across the UK this weekend to support the call for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the UK-Israel arms trade, which makes Britain complicit in the conflict.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign website lists events taking place this weekend on Saturday 2 December and Sunday 3 December. For other events, check out the Facebook page of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the Belfast Palestine Solidarity Campaign and other local supporter groups on social media.

PCS members are encouraged to take part in local events.