Join Pride events in London, Belfast and Liverpool

Events are underway in Belfast and Liverpool this week to mark those cities’ Pride festivals with major parades taking place in both Northern Ireland and the North West as well as Trans Pride London also taking place.

In Liverpool, a month-long series of events is taking place to mark Pride with the main festival parade taking place on Saturday 27 July, mustering at St George’s Square at 10.30am and heading for the city’s waterfront. PCS North-West activists will be taking part in the parade, so come along and show your support.

Find out more - Liverpool Pride website

In Belfast, where this year’s theme is Stand By Your Trans, a week-long event programme will culminate with the annual Pride Parade starting at Custom House Square at 1pm, which will make its way around the city before finishing at Victoria Street. Local PCS Branches will be taking part alongside fellow trade unionists from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

Find out more – Belfast Pride website

London Trans Pride

London Trans Pride takes to the streets of the capital on Saturday, departing from Langham Place at 1pm with speeches at Wellington Arch at 4pm.

Find out more – London Trans Pride website

PCS believes in challenging all forms of hate, prejudice and discrimination and also works with other organisations as part of our campaigning to achieve LGBT+ equality.

PCS Proud represents members who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or other non-heterosexual sexual orientations or whose gender identity differs from that as assigned to them at birth. Any member who self-identifies as LGBT+ can join and get involved.

Find out more about PCS Proud and get involved.