Join our Green Forum on 18 November to take action for people and planet

Our Green Forum will discuss how union members can make a difference with environmental initiatives and delivering net zero.

This year’s global weather has made it obvious that climate change is real and dangerous. Meanwhile the UK government is trying for short-term wins in the face of long-term human, economic and environmental devastation. Real power is with the people and our Green Forum (Saturday 18 November, online and in person) will show how unions can make a difference. Register to attend and find out what you can do to get involved in our vital, exciting and actionable initiatives.

Just Transition 

Just Transition is the process by which workers and jobs are protected in a fair and equitable transition to a green economy. Hear a panel discussion with Rosie Hampton (Friends of the Earth) and Liz Wheatley (Unison) who are joined by Hannah David (PCS vice president and chair of our Climate Change & Environment Committee) and John Moloney (PCS assistant general secretary).

National Climate Change and Biodiversity Service

As agreed at this year’s annual delegate conference, this radical move would see a specific branch of the civil service working at all levels across the UK to plan and deliver a real net zero. It’s achievable but we need to win allies in the union movement and in politics.

A Green Bargaining Claim

Ben Crawford from the Institute of Employment Rights speaks about green bargaining and UCU’s Green New Deal. This is how groups and branches can leverage climate wins on everything from policies to facilities management. 

Sign up!

Attendance is free and open to any member or rep. Sign up online.  

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