Have you got the Knowledge?

PCS Knowledge is an incredible resource for PCS members, where you can access hundreds of articles covering your rights at work, health and safety, equality information and the work PCS does to support civil servants and protect public services.

Knowledge can be accessed by logging in through PCS Digital. It is a comprehensive guide through which you can access a range of subjects related to issues which affect you inside and outside the workplace:

  • PCS democracy and processes - Learn how your union works for you and how you can get involved with resources covering branch meeting right up to the Annual Delegate Conferences and elections.
  • Our campaigns - News, information and resources for national, employers specific and local campaigns including recruitment material, where you fit in and how you can help.
  • Your rights at work - Stay informed about your rights at work, including grievance and discipline, sickness absence, flexible working, parental leave and much more.
  • Equality and diversity materials - PCS holds a wealth of information on equality groups like disabled members, black members, women, LGBT+ and young members, with content specifically focused on building workplace diversity.
  • Our work defending workers - PCS advocates on behalf of the most marginalised in society, both at home and abroad. To campaigning for better services here in the UK, to working with refugee support groups and combating fascists and the far right.

You can access some articles without logging in, but only PCS members can access the full range of available material. To be better informed about your rights at work and to get involved in our campaigns, join PCS now.