The hardship fund

Group treasurer Sarah Wright on everything you need to know about the group hardship fund.

The Home Office group hardship fund was established in 2014 to address instances of severe financial hardship experienced by members during times of industrial action and help where no other access to strike funds were available.

As no central funding is allocated to these accounts, it is the responsibility of individual groups to undertake fundraising activities to supplement these accounts. Over the last nine years, a number of members have regularly contributed to the fund, and I would like to thank them for their contributions.

Recently members have been asked to support PCS with industrial action, including participating in sustained targeted action as well as national one-day strikes. For members involved in targeted action, the PCS strike fund allocates funds to these members to help reimburse them for the salary they have lost. This has allowed members to support this action without incurring any hardship.

The Home Office group hardship fund assists those members who have asked for help during the national one-day strikes where no access to the strike fund is available and, for the first time in my tenure as group treasurer, we have received claims and have paid out a total of £585.

All members of the Home Office group are encouraged to contribute whatever they can to the fund – you never know when you may need assistance yourself.

There are a number of ways to contribute:

  1. Monthly standing order.
  2. One off payment.
  3. Bucket collection at BECs/AGMs/GECs.


Bank account details for the fund are:

Name:  PCS Home Office Group Hardship Fund

A/c Number:  20237688

Sort Code:  60-83-01

If you would like any further help/assistance, please contact me at

Please note, the decision of whether to award a payment is made by the hardship fund committee and not the group treasurer.

Sarah Wright, group treasurer