Getting ready for the next steps in the national campaign

The national executive committee has met to discuss progress in our national campaign and what needs to happen next.

After an overwhelming 90% of members voted to support the union’s proposed campaign strategy, we paused strike action and the strike fund levy, so we could take stock of delegated and national talks on pay and job security.

We have made significant gains up to this point, and put welcome money in members’ pockets. We are now doing all we can to secure all of our campaign objectives through talks and litigation, but there are no guarantees. We want members and reps to get ballot-ready so if necessary we will be able to deliver a new successful industrial action ballot. Showing the government that we are prepared to take more strike action will strengthen our position in talks.

National pay bargaining

We have started an intensive set of talks with the Cabinet Office which will take place over the next eight weeks. We are making our case for centralised pay talks and decisions and also demanding that systemic low and unequal pay, which has blighted the civil service for years, is addressed.

We will consider progress at the next NEC meetings and decide whether we need to ballot again and take more industrial action.

Departmental pay

Our analysis of the outcomes from the delegated pay round for 2023/24 across the civil service and its related areas indicates that we have done substantially better on average than the 4.5% available under the pay remit guidance. This is as a direct result of our campaign strategy that members have backed and the efforts of our negotiators. 

In addition, out of 212 employers/departments in the dispute, through a mixture of the threat of further targeted action and negotiating pressure, there are now only eight which have failed to make a pay offer in line with the concessions, including the £1500 cost-of-living payment.

Negotiations are continuing with the eight employers and we are talking with reps to develop industrial action plans to force the employer to pay up. In The Pensions Regulator, where the employer has refused to pay the full 4.5% available under the revised pay remit, members are engaged in a programme of strike action.

In the Welsh devolved sector, following the conclusion of negotiations with the Welsh Government, we are waiting to begin negotiations with the various arms-length bodies.


At the Conservative Party Conference this month, chancellor Jeremy Hunt gave a speech promising that he would return civil service headcount to pre-Brexit numbers. From our discussions with the Cabinet Office since then it is clear that no plan has been made for the delivery of that arbitrary proposal. The Cabinet Office has agreed to regular engagement with us in order to discuss any plans that may arise.

We have a no compulsory redundancy guarantee in the Scottish Government Sector and will continue to campaign on job security across the civil service.


We continue to challenge the UK Government on pensions legally and through the courts.

What you can do

It is vital that we continue to show the government our collective strength, which has resulted in the concessions already made.

Get active in your union, encourage colleagues to join PCS and make sure your details are up to date on PCS Digital.