G4S strikers to take further action on election day

PCS has announced strike action at DWP jobcentres on the day and during the week of the general election to send a message that those on G4S contracts must receive a decent pay increase.

More than 200 PCS members working as security guards in jobcentres began 7 days’ action over pay on 17 June.

These hardworking members – who are employed by G4S to provide essential security to keep DWP employees and claimants safe – will take further action from election day on 4 July to 7 July, from 15 July to 21 July, and from 29 July to 4 August.

This means that there will be strike action impacting the DWP on the day of the general election and the days after to welcome the incoming government.

Over the past week, PCS members working on the DWP G4S contract have organised picket lines up and down the UK. The strike action has already caused the DWP to close a large number of offices to the public, seriously disrupting their ability to deliver a normal service.

With member support for the action high, there were many first-time strikers on vibrant picket lines, including some jointly with GMB whose G4S members are also on strike.

An event at DWP HQ Caxton House on yesterday (20 June) saw a great turnout from the DWP HQ G4S members, supported by G4S members from across London. General Secretary Fran Heathcote and National President Martin Cavanagh brought solidarity from the national union alongside NEC members and reps from across London.

There has also been amazing support for the G4S strike from DWP staff, who recognise the importance of the jobs their G4S colleagues do by putting their bodies on the line to keep jobcentres and other DWP workplaces safe. At Grimsby jobcentre, for example, staff provided breakfast and drinks for the strikers.

How you can support the strikers:

  • Donate to the hardship fund: Sort Code: 60-83-01 / Acc No: 20256766 / Acc Name: PCS DWP Group Hardship Account
  • Send solidarity messages to DWP@pcs.org.uk