Fujitsu report

The Fujitsu group executive committee (GEC) has been dealing with major issues including pay, pensions and TUPEs.

The Fujitsu GEC’s main focus recently has been pay. The company has offered a 3% increase against an average pay increase in the private sector of 8%. Our claim is for 15% or £3500 underpin and a commitment to the trial of a four-day week with no loss of pay. 

“The PCS pay team is working behind the scenes to come up with locations for selective action which would bring about the biggest impact, should the company continue to refuse our pay claim.”

We ran an indicative ballot which saw 92% of the membership respond, with 94% rejecting the pay offer.

We wrote to the company expressing our members' anger and informing them of the ballot result but it failed to increase the offer. We were left with no option but to run a formal legal ballot, which returned an overwhelming vote for industrial action based on an 87% turnout. 

PCS members in our CBU mainly support government contracts, where membership density is quite high in certain areas. The PCS pay team is working behind the scenes to come up with locations for selective action which would bring about the biggest impact, should the company continue to refuse our pay claim.

As well as strike action we are also balloting on action short of a strike which would include an overtime ban and working to rule which could be damaging, given the extra mile our members often go to ensure the service without proper reward.

Reps have also undertaken a number of TUPEs, some of which have been very problematic. And reps have been dealing with pension issues, along with the usual number of personal cases which take up a lot of their time.