Final round of PCS Strike Schools for National Ballot

New strike school dates open for registration.

In March we held a series of strike school sessions to coincide with the launch of the national ballot of members working for 171 employers in the civil service and related areas. Check our list to see if your employer is included in the ballot.

PCS DEFRA rep George Gray attended a London session and said:

 “I found the PCS strike school held concerning the current ballot to be very useful in terms of explaining the practical side to mobilising and encouraging members to vote in the ballot. The course was excellently taught with all of the relevant topics handled. There was a very engaging "question and answer" section which allowed for an exchange of ideas as to how PCS members in different departments engaged with members, and a good discussion between course participants regarding how we organise during periods of industrial action”.

A final series of Strike Schools will be held over the coming days for any reps, advocates and members who missed out on the earlier ones and want to get involved in getting the vote out. Sessions will focus on: getting the vote out; Information on the levy; Talking to members; Digital tools and Callhub; Key dates and branch planning; and Resources.

Dates and times of your local strike school are below, with online registration links (login to PCS Digital required).

Strike School: Winning The Ballot

10 April, 1:00pm, PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (North West)

11 April, 1:00pm, PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (Yorks & Humber and Northern)

12 April, 12:00 noon, PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (NI, Scotland & Wales)

15 April, 12:30pm,  PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (London & South East and Eastern)

15 April, 17:30pm, PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (Midlands & South West)

17 April, 5:00pm, PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (Midlands & South West)

17 April, 6:00pm, PCS Strike School: Winning the ballot (London & South East and Eastern)

If you have any queries about the sessions, contact your PCS region or nation, or email