Fighting injustice and building our union

Dan Wallace, from HMPO North West, first got involved with PCS during targeted action in the Passport Office. Now, he’s broadening his horizons and meeting like-minded young people from across the UK.

The Young Members’ Seminar 2023 was my first experience of meeting PCS reps outside of my current branch, so it was great to spend the weekend with like-minded, motivated young members. The motivation Jenni and the group brought to the seminar sent me back to Liverpool with a fire under me to get more involved with any possible openings within PCS and opened my eyes to all the different avenues to improve not only my workplace, but PCS as a whole.

Listening to the passion everyone showed for the fight is really inspiring, and you can’t help but leave the place feeling like the young members are in good hands, with a bit between our teeth. Everyone who spoke did so with a real passion for what they’re championing, whether that may be trans rights, racial equality, or any other form of injustice.

Since the seminar I am now committed to being more involved in the Young Members’ Network going forward and hope there are many more opportunities to catch up with a few familiar faces and hopefully more incoming new members, who I hope are as inspired to get involved and together fight the cause.

So – to anyone in PCS who wants to get involved but hasn’t yet, I would urge you to speak to local reps ask how you can become involved with PCS; there are many roles to take on and there will always be a fight to be fought so get involved now.