Family days at Abbeywood

Recruitment update from PCS Defence Group President Chris Dando.

On two successive Fridays in the summer, Defence Equipment and Support holds days where staff can bring their families to Abbey Wood to show them around their workplace.

There are lots of stall and events where they can see demonstrations of kit, play simulations and learn about future developments and equipment.

There are also lots of fun events and stalls run by local charities and organisations supported by staff groups on site and groups like the British Legion and cadet forces, and a range of street food to try.

These events are hugely popular, with competition for places and lots of interest from staff on site.

The PCS branch on site has a stall at these events, as part of our strategy to show our union as ‘part of the furniture’ at Abbey Wood. Reps staff the stall all day, talking to members, non-members and family members, handing out a range of briefing materials from the national union and talking about developments and initiatives on site.

Members come along to find out what their union is doing, to raise concerns about issues in their workplace and to find out more about getting involved in their union.

We also remind members to update their details on PCS Digital, so that we can contact them in future.

There is also usually lots of interest from potential members, with lots joining either on the day or when they get home.

The event is well supported by senior management on site, who call in to chat to our reps about issues and any burning concerns being raised. Sadly, we were unable to persuade any of them to wear a PCS cap or beanie, but we will keep trying!

Family days and similar events are a great way to raise the profile of our union in workplaces, so activists should look to participate whenever possible. Regional offices can support with a range of materials and ideas, so why not make it a date in your site calendar for next year?