Exploring workplace disability barriers event

PCS National Disabled Members Forum (NDMF) will host a lunchtime event exploring the barriers and challenges faced by disabled members in the workplace on Wednesday 25 September.

Chaired by Bev Laidlaw, the chair of the NDMF and PCS national deputy president, the event aims to raise awareness of how disability impacts members’ working lives and discuss what can be done to better support disabled members to fulfil their roles and progress in the workplace.

The NDMF would like to explore how we can promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our members and ensure that members are aware of their rights around disability, with in-depth and interactive discussions on these topics.

NMDF representatives Cathy Darcan (HMRC, Belfast) and Austin Harney (MoJ, London & South East) will discuss their personal experiences of managing their disabilities in the workplace, and we encourage disabled members and reps to join the discussion after the panel session.

We’re also keen for feedback from members on what disability topics you would like to hear about at other events. There will be a poll at the end of the event to feed back your thoughts. All members and reps are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Register Now

Please register online. The deadline to register is Tuesday 24 September at 4pm. An MS Teams link will be sent closer to the time. This event will be recorded, but a copy of the recording will be sent only to those who attended the event.

For further information or any queries, you can contact the PCS Equality Department by emailing equality@pcs.org.uk.