End arms sales to Israel, PCS declares to TUC

PCS backed calls at TUC Congress for an end to all arms sales to Israel and a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.

Composite motion 17 reaffirmed support for Palestinian rights and called on the UK Government to immediately recognise the state of Palestine, contributing to a 2-state solution, end all licences for arms traded with Israel, meeting international law and demand a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.

Louise Regan from the NEU moved the motion and said: "We must not stop until there is a permanent ceasefire and until the day when Palestinians are finally free.”

"In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians," said Liz Wheatley from Unison told Congress in seconding the Palestine motion.

Our general secretary Fran Heathcote said that successive UK governments had stood by as Palestinians have been murdered. She said all arms sales to Israel must cease immediately.

“It is we the people – in our unions, through our councils, in our workplaces and as individuals who must speak out, protest and campaign,” she said.

“That is why PCS proudly supports a people-powered campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against a state that has illegally occupied Gaza and the West Bank for 57 years, and that is committing war crimes on a daily basis against the Palestinian people.

“And that it why my union is proud to support the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and will continue to campaign for an end to the killing, an end to occupation, the dismantling of the settlements and a free and independent Palestine.”

Fran ended her speech this morning by reading Khaled Juma’s poem "Oh rascal children of Gaza" to Congress:

“Oh rascal children of Gaza,

You who constantly disturbed me with your screams under my window,

You who filled every morning with rush and chaos,

You who broke my vase and stole the lonely flower on my balcony,

Come back –

And scream as you want,

And break all the vases,

Steal all the flowers,

Come back,

Just come back…”

The motion was carried.

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