Empowering Change

A call to action from your new group executive committee 

Tracy Dever – Group Vice Chair

The newly elected leadership of PCS in the Revenue & Customs (R&C) group is dedicated to delivering meaningful change within our union. We believe that as a union, PCS can do better, and we are committed to adopting a data-driven approach to our activities. To that end, we are launching a comprehensive survey for all members of PCS R&C group.

Purpose of the Survey: This survey serves multiple important purposes:

Gathering your insights: We want to hear your thoughts on how HMRC could collect more tax for public funds, improve customer service, and genuinely create “a great place to work” for all members. We recognise that it is those who do the job day in, and day out, who are most likely to come up with the best ideas for improvement. After collating your feedback, we will compile a report on how we can create a better HMRC. We intend to share this with both HMRC senior leaders and the new HMRC minister, James Murray MP.

Identifying workplace concerns: We invite you to share your top workplace issues and concerns, as well as your confidence in the union and HMRC’s ability to address them. Your input is crucial in shaping our priorities and strategies for the year ahead.

Improving communication: Effective communication between the union and its members is vital. We want to know what is working well and where we can improve. Additionally, we want to understand any barriers you may face in participating in union activities, such as attending your branch annual general meeting.

Supporting learning and development: The union plays a pivotal role in supporting members with learning and development. That’s why we’re asking for your views on the learning events you would like to see delivered in your branch or across the R&C group.

How will we use the data and insight from the survey?
The group executive committee (GEC) will analyse the data and we’ll share any relevant insights with HMRC. This will give us a data driven approach to addressing your concerns effectively. Furthermore, we will host an online meeting in mid-October to discuss the findings with all members in HMRC and outline our plans for implementing the necessary improvements.


Your voice matters
We aren’t afraid to ask tough questions because we believe that understanding the realities of your experiences is crucial for driving meaningful change. Your honest feedback is not just welcomed; it is essential. We are not afraid to hear what you have to say, no matter how challenging it may be. By sharing your perspectives, you help us uncover the underlying issues that may be affecting our union and its members. Together, we can identify areas for improvement and work towards solutions that benefit everyone.

Your voice matters, and by us listening, and acting, we can build a stronger, more responsive union that truly represents the interests of all its members.

Tracy Dever, Group Vice Chair