Editor's Column

Hello everyone, and once again thank you for taking the time to read this edition of The Voice, our last of 2023.

It feels strange to type that, the pace that we have moved at this year has been incredible in what we have achieved and what we can continue to achieve as a union in DWP. 

Our president Martin will address a lot of the progress that we have made this year in his column, along with the challenges that we face going in to 2024. It will not be an easy year, and we can hope that with enough perseverance we will succeed on our demands to improve the lives of all our workers. 

Our articles in this edition focus on the experiences of our members.

Mohammad Shafiq, a member of our GEC and NEC, addresses Islamophobia Awareness Month and the hardships that our Muslim members are facing.

We have a collation of members’ testimonies regarding the staffing crisis, which are harrowing, and I would encourage you all to share and talk with your colleagues about the situation in your office. 

Nicky Wild gives her take on the pay rise as an AO and how it has been since the offer was imposed.

I hope that you all enjoy the festive period, no matter how you celebrate and take a well-earned break from the work you have done this year. Let’s come back ready and willing to fight for a better 2024.