Disability History Month: Exploring Disability Diagnosis

As part of Disability History Month, the National Disabled Members’ Forum (NDMF) has organised an event focusing on the barriers to diagnosis and how this impacts disabled people, particularly in childhood.

The theme for Disability History Month this year is “Disability, Children and Youth”. 

PCS is holding an online event on 14 December on Exploring Disability Diagnosis which will focus on the barriers and challenges to disability diagnosis, particularly in childhood.

Long waiting lists for NHS diagnosis and treatment are having a massive impact on disabled people. Some disabled people and children are waiting more than two years to be seen by CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). The pandemic has increased the wait times and there’s more demand for these services than ever before. 

Speakers will discuss how this has affected their lives, what challenges they have faced in the workplace and what more needs to be done to make disability diagnosis more accessible, particularly in childhood. 

There will be opportunities to share members experience as well as ask questions to the speakers. The event will be hosted by Hannah David, PCS Vice President and chair of the National Disabled Members Forum.

Speakers are:

  • Ellen Clifford, DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts)
  • Austin Harney, PCS NEC member on the National Disabled Members Forum
  • Alia Butt, Clinical Psychotherapist
  • Aoife Lawrence, PCS Young Member


Register online by 14 December at 10am. Once registered, a Teams link and joining instructions will be sent to the email address in the member’s registration.