Disability History Month 2023

Disability History Month starts tomorrow and runs to 16 December, and this year’s theme is disability, children and youth. 

Throughout Disability History Month we’ll be hearing from diverse voices across PCS, their stories of encountering problems in the workplace and wider society, how the union has helped and what support is available for PCS Members. 

We will also be focussing on the experiences of PCS young members, and how their experiences with disability and other issues has inspired them to get involved in their union and looking at your rights as a disabled person in the workplace, valuing difference and supporting inclusion. 

Despite improvements, moving away from charity and paternalism towards empowerment and independence, disabled people still face a vast array of barriers to inclusion and acceptance. Disabled people are still victims of discrimination and harassment, things which PCS stands steadfastly against.  

Disability History Month gives us an opportunity to hear from those voices from within our union on how their experiences have shaped who they are as people, and how their differences should not just be acknowledged but celebrated. 

There will also be events throughout the month focussing on specific issues relevant to Disability History, the fight for equality, the gains made and the battles still to come. 

Get involved 

Get involved with the National Disabled Members’ networks to share your experiences and ideas on how to best support disabled people in the workplace and fight for the rights of disabled workers. 

Check our events page for upcoming disability events or have a look at our available training courses

Got a story? 

If you’d like to share your experiences as a disabled worker and PCS member, email editor@pcs.org.uk and we’ll be in touch.