“Democracy in action” as first PCS Scotland devolved conference gets underway

PCS general secretary, Mark Serwotka, said it was a historic day for the union and democracy in action in his opening speech at the inaugural Scotland devolved policy conference today in Glasgow.

In what he said would be his last speech in Scotland, Mark congratulated conference and called for the union to remain strong and united and to continue the great work PCS members do.

He thanked guest speakers Chris Stephens MP for being a tireless advocate for PCS, and Mercedes Villalba MSP for doing a fantastic job being our voice in the Scottish Parliament.

In an update on the national campaign, he said that while Cabinet Office talks and an analysis of pay gains were ongoing, branches should work on getting ballot-ready – recruiting and getting personal data right so we are ready to beat the anti-union 50% threshold again. 

Mark, who retires in around eight weeks, urged delegates to ensure a record turnout in the upcoming general secretary and assistant general secretary elections. 

He highlighted some of the union’s huge achievements over the last 23 years, such as victories on protecting redundancy terms, winning compensation over check-off, and stopping pushbacks in the Channel, saving the lives of refugees. 

“My plea is that members are engaged, read the election addresses and vote. Whilst we have our differences, when we work together, our achievements are immense.”