Creating a better working environment for all

We spend about a third of our lives at work. We all deserve to work in an inclusive and respectful environment where we feel valued and supported to do our best work. 

While some of us are fortunate enough to work in that environment, sadly, others aren’t.

The new group executive committee (GEC) leadership believes that by integrating collective bargaining, organising, communication, learning, and equality initiatives, we can strengthen our union and advance our members' interests. That’s why our focus for the upcoming period is to:

  • Establish a strong connection between organising, collective bargaining, and our campaigning efforts,
  • Bridge the gap between equality and collective bargaining to uphold our commitment to putting equality at the heart of everything we do,
  • Incorporate learning initiatives into our organising strategies and collective bargaining,
  • Ensure that in every workplace and in every business area, members are represented by workplace reps who work alongside them. This will give members confidence that they have someone they can turn to who truly understands the job they do and the challenges they face.
  • Ensure that all our reps are provided with the training and support they need to give them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to carry out their roles effectively,
  • Provide our reps with the tools to consult with members ahead of meetings and provide reports back. This will ensure that it’s the members who are setting the agenda and that activity is centred around the issues that are important to you,
  • Develop a robust communication strategy to support our objectives and keep members informed.
  • Every member can play their part in this by:
  • Talking to your colleagues about the benefits of union membership and encouraging non-members to join. A larger membership strengthens our collective voice,
  • Attending any meetings organised by your local PCS branch,
  • Making sure your voice is heard by discussing your workplace issues and concerns with your local PCS rep
  • Considering getting involved in our union. Some examples of this could include participating in the local trade union side (LTUS) for your business area, representing members in personal cases, or engaging in the union's work on equality, health and safety, or learning. Paid time off is provided for reps to carry out their trade union duties and to attend training courses. If you’re interested, please speak to your local rep to find out more.

Together, let’s commit to building a more vibrant union, where all members actively participate, and we harness our collective strength to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone.

Tracy Dever, R&C group deputy chair