Could you be a PCS Rep?

We are now in the middle of AGM season, and with branches across the UK holding all-members’ meetings could you see yourself standing up for your colleagues in the workplace?

PCS reps perform a vital role in civil service and outsourced workplaces across the country; from organising the branch and ensuring members get the information they need to getting the vote out in ballots and representing members both collectively and individually.

It’s a deeply rewarding role which could see you recruiting new staff to PCS, managing the branch finances or speaking to the employer about health & safety or any other issue concerning members.

PCS reps are volunteers, chosen by members to represent their interests. They are elected by and accountable to PCS members. You won’t be thrown in at the deep-end as there’s full training provided by PCS, and there’s even the opportunity to undertake accredited training where you’ll gain recognised qualifications.

To become a rep you’ll have to be elected by your branch’s members. Nominations will be made in advance of your AGM. Your branch secretary should let you know the timescales for submitting nominations. You can find their details by logging on to PCS Digital.

If becoming a rep seems like a big step you could consider becoming a union advocate, getting the vote out, encouraging members to take part in action and promoting PCS policies.

Find out more

For more information about what type of roles are available read the guide from PCS Academy.

If you don’t want to become a rep but you have an issue which you think your branch should take action on you can submit a motion to your AGM. Read our article on motions for your AGM and how you can help shape PCS policy.