Consultative ballot: five ways to maximise turnout

It’s important that as many members as possible vote in our ballot to endorse the way forward with our campaign.

With voting open in our national consultative ballot, the coming weeks are crucial. We want as many members as possible to take part in the ballot to support our campaign give it a firm basis for moving forward.

Have you and your colleagues received your ballot?

Look out for your ballot, whether that’s online or in the post. The same applies to your work colleagues who are also members of PCS. Speak to them to ask if they have received the ballot.

Have you and your colleagues voted in the ballot?

The next step is to vote in the ballot and promote engagement with the process. Speak to fellow PCS members in your workplace to make sure they have voted.

What is the ballot about?

Running from 3 to 31 August, the online consultative ballot asks members to endorse the NEC’s strategy, which is to pause our strike action (except for the small number of areas yet to commit to paying the £1,500 cost of living payment), while we engage in departmental talks on pay for 2023/4.

Once the talks have taken place the NEC will reconsider PCS’s position.

You can read our FAQs article for further information on the ballot and our explainer.

Encourage your colleagues to join PCS

You can encourage your work colleagues to join PCS and explain why it’s important for them to have a say in this ballot.

New members who join PCS before 5pm on Tuesday 15 August will automatically be included in the ballot.

Consider becoming more active in the union

We encourage all our members to get more active in the union to build our strength across the civil service and related areas and make sure we represent all our diverse range of members.

Email if you are interested in becoming a union rep or an advocate. Or complete the short online form.