Complete our Equality Survey

The 5-minute online survey will enable us to build better equality networks and reach under-represented members.

The work of the Equality department has identified that we need more robust and up to date equality data to support the work of the department, as well as the wider union. 

The exercise is an important way to build participation among the under-represented members. The work will enable PCS to capture not only members’ personal details and more accurate equality data, but also their consent to receive information about, and participate in, equality networks and events, which makes the data GDPR compliant for these purposes.

The survey will request details for members who identify as LGBT+, as well as women, black, and disabled members. Members aged 27 and under will also be invited to register for the young members’ network.

We need your help to achieve this.

We are sending an email to all members with a personalised link to complete a 5-minute online survey. The survey link is personal to you and links to your membership record, so please do not share it with anyone else.

The survey opens today (19) and will close on Monday 31 July 2023.

Please also log in to PCS Digital and update your personal and equality information. This will mean that in future we can take a more tailored approach to the information that we send out. It will also ensure your details are up to date for our consultative ballot.

All members who update their equality information in the period of the survey (19-31 July) will be entered into a draw to receive a £20 voucher – one voucher for each region/nation in PCS.

Not yet a PCS member? Join online today.