Community Rally Against Fascism - Belfast

PCS and the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions are supporting a rally organised by United Against Racism Belfast following the erection of fascist flags in Dunmurry.

Following the erection of a number of fascist flags near a mosque in a Belfast suburb, the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (NIC-ICTU) is calling for support for a rally organised by United Against Racism Belfast.

Fascist flags were erected outside the Ikraa Mosque in Dunmurry on the evening of 23 August, close to homes and schools and are a clear attempt to intimidate. Whilst this is undoubtedly the work of a minority, it is the latest in a series of incidents targeting the Muslim community.

The rally will demonstrate clearly that racists and fascists do not speak for people in the area, and that the far-right and their poisonous ideologies must be opposed at every turn.

The rally will be supported by progressive groups and trade unions – including PCS. United Against Racism Belfast is calling for a large turnout to show solidarity with the Muslim community in Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland.

The rally will be held at Dunmurry Park, Kingsway, Dunmurry on Saturday, 26 August at 2pm.