Candidates announced in PCS elections

Two candidates for the position of PCS General Secretary and two for the Assistant General Secretary have been confirmed.

Following the nominations received from branches by the deadline of 16 October, we can confirm that there are two candidates for the General Secretary post and two candidates for the Assistant General Secretary post. 

The candidates received the required number of nominations and have confirmed they are willing to stand.

The candidates are:

General Secretary:

  • Fran Heathcote
  • Marion Lloyd

Assistant General Secretary:

  • John Moloney
  • Paul O’Connor

Download and read the full list of branch nominations.

The timetable for the elections is as follows:

  • Monday 4 September: Call for nominations
  • Monday 16 October 5.00pm: Deadline for receipt of completed nominations.
  • Monday 23 October 5.00pm: Deadline for acceptance and election addresses.
  • Thursday 9 November: Ballot opens.
  • Thursday 14 December 12 noon: Ballot closes.

This is a postal ballot only. Make sure your ballot address is correct by logging into PCS Digital. Log in and update/check your details before midnight on 31 October to be entered into our prize draw.