Building young member power in HMRC

Louis Radforth, vice-chair of the NYMC, writes about the first ever HMRC young members’ seminar which will be taking place in Birmingham in February.

To ensure workers have power in the workplace PCS young members must be highly organised and take positions in branches, local committees and at national level. Each branch should have a dedicated young members’ officer who oversees a YM sub-committee for their branch, ensuring PCS is visible to young workers from day one of employment. Local officers should be feeding into the national young members' advisory committee (YMAC), creating a strong network of activists across all our branches and nations.

Whether a rep, advocate or rank-and-file member, young members should be aware and actively engaging with the YMAC throughout the year. Branches should be actively encouraging YMs to take up positions locally and nationally whether on the YMAC or other committees such as the GEC and NEC.

To raise the profile of the young members’ network, build activity, grow the membership, and increase the confidence of YM activists PCS R&C will be organising a dedicated seminar for branch young members’ officers and activists in February. The event will be in person and will take place in Birmingham with the aim of creating a militant and vibrant young members’ network in R&C.

Sign up forms will be sent out to branches shortly so if you’re interested in attending, please contact your branch organiser.