Bristol reps' fundraising quiz a success

PCS reps in Bristol organised a successful quiz night on 2 November to raise money for the PCS fighting fund.

A total of £216 was raised from cash contributions at the evening event and online donations from those that were supporting it.

The pub quiz was organised by local PCS DEFRA reps and publicised to members in the branch and the wider movement through the newly formed PCS Bristol Town Committee. 

PCS members from the DEFRA Bristol office were joined by members from other branches in the area, including the Planning Inspectorate, the Culture Sector and ARMs. 

Local activists from NEU, Unison and the IWW also came along. 

The quiz proved a fun way for local trade union members to come together and network while raising significant funds for the union's fighting fund. 

Charlotte Balf organised the event with her fellow rep Tom Youngman. Charlotte said, "We wanted to organise a social that has an activity which helps get people talking to each other and basically, I love writing silly quiz rounds.

"It was a fun night. Everyone got involved and enjoyed the event and we raised a lot of money for the fighting fund."

If you would like to organise a similar event speak to your regional organising team for advice. 

Donate to the PCS fighting fund.