Ask your MP – Pay retired members the £1500 Cost-of-Living award

The PCS national Associate and Retired Members (ARMs) network has launched an e-action, calling on central government to pay recently retired members the £1500 cost-of-living award.

Civil servants working for the UK civil service last year were made the payment in recognition of the immense pressures that the cost-of-living crisis was placing on them and their families.

The payment, authorised by the UK government but administered by individual departments, followed a sustained period of targeted industrial action by PCS members and included several national strike days.

While there are still some employers yet to pay the award, most UK civil servants received the payment in the summer of this year.

Inevitably, some civil servants who left their employment during the 2022/23 pay year, or in the period before the payment was made by employer departments, have not received the award, despite being in employment during part or all of the qualifying period. These ex-civil servants are no less affected by the cost-of-living crisis than other staff

Tony Conway, ARMs chair, has called on all our members to support this ongoing campaign . It is not too late to right this injustice. Many members were forced out of employment and have faced a double whammy. Others retired onto pensions not sufficient to deal with cost of living increases. 

Please sign and share the link to the e-action and support retired PCS members.