Advice to MoJ members during the OCS Strike

Advice for members in the MoJ group on how to support the OCS strikers. 

OCS members employed as security officers in the courts are taking strike action on Friday 22 September, and 25, 27 and 29 September.

Find out more information about the OCS dispute and action.  

Though MoJ staff are not being called to take action in this dispute, PCS has received queries about how members can support the striking workers at the courts and workplaces shared with OCS strikers.

Our advice is as follows:

  • Unless you are BOTH an OCS staff member and a PCS member, you are not eligible to take strike action in this dispute.
  • PCS members working for the MoJ or HMCTS cannot take strike action as OCS is a separate employer.
  • If you don't wish to cross the picket line, you should arrange to work from home where possible or take a day of annual leave.
  • Talk to the members on the picket lines and show them your support.
  • Send messages of support to the members of strike by emailing

See the list of courts where there will be picket lines and find out more details.