ADC 2024: Remembering colleagues who have passed away

This afternoon at our annual delegate conference in Brighton, we paid our respects to colleagues who have died over the past 12 months.

Before going ahead with debate and voting on motions, PCS delegates took a moment to remember and commemorate recently departed colleagues who gave so much not only to PCS but also the wider trade union movement.

Martin Ayres

A founding member of Salford Revenue branch in 2003, Martin was a well-loved colleague and union rep who sat for many years on the regional executive committee. He also spent some time on the group executive committee. Martin was always generous with his time, supporting and mentoring less experienced reps. His reputation was that of a kind, calm, fair and helpful gentleman and he was an inspiration to many representatives.

Alan Chipperfield

Alan retired from DWP in 2014, having been a long-standing member of DWP Essex branch. His fellow activists referred to him as the “go-to man” for advice and support. He held many roles including branch chair, secretary, treasurer, district and regional TUS and BA district rep. After retirement, Alan became active in PCS ARMs becoming the regional treasurer. Alan will be greatly missed by his comrades in the DWP Essex branch and will leave a hole in many lives.

David Coote

David was a committee member and conference delegate of Lea Valley branch and predecessor branches. Some will remember him from past conferences, where his speeches were as full of wit as his daily exchanges with friends and comrades. A thorn in the side of management and the union when it didn't live up to his expectations, he will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

Frank Giles

Frank passed away in January 2024. He first became active in the Inland Revenue Staff Federation in the early 1970s and soon held branch secretary roles in Leeds and then Peterborough. Such was his reputation at conference, the Leeds branch used to award the ‘Frank Giles Trophy’ to a delegate who had excelled themselves at conference! He’ll be sorely missed by all those who knew him.

Stuart Harding

Stuart carried out a number of roles within the branch, but is probably best known as a conference delegate ("Colonel Harding" was his nickname). He was a powerful advocate for his members, particularly when the MOD proposed closing his workplace at Telford. Stuart's campaigning zeal, together with colleagues from his branch and the defence sector group, saw the Telford workplace retained for a number of years.

Valerie Kimberley

Valerie was a well-liked and respected PCS member who became the branch treasurer for MOJ North and West Yorkshire for many years up to her retirement. She stood on every picket line irrespective of weather and on one occasion, when it was snowing heavily, Val got her partner Ivor to bring down their motor caravan to enable picketers to use the facilities, get hot food and drinks, and to stay warm. She is greatly missed.

Peter Lamb

Peter worked for 20 years in HM Customs and Excise and 27 years in the Department of Employment. He was a vice president on the SCPS national executive and held positions on the section/group executives at a senior level for many years. He also served as the president of NUCPS.  At the time of his retirement in 2000, he was a PCS vice president. Peter represented the union at European TUC, and was at the forefront of the fight for trade union rights at GCHQ.

John McCrindle

John worked and was an active union member at Marine Scotland for 38 years. He served as the branch treasurer for many years and could always be counted on to rally for the union and stood strong against the employer when necessary. He was an integral part of the Marine Scotland branch, a true union comrade, and a proud civil servant. John will be sorely missed by all.

Kirsty Newton

Kirsty came to work for NUCPS in 1993 after leaving full-time education.  Kirsty was promoted to the role of bargaining unit officer in 2011. Subsequently Kirsty moved into the central services area of PCS in the finance department where she held the role of Funding Officer and latterly the Finance and Budget Manager.  Known for providing an efficient and professional service in a warm and friendly manner, her tragic loss is felt acutely by her close colleagues in the Leeds office, the Finance department and the wider union.

Julia Pollard

Julia Pollard was a rep, treasurer and organiser in the DWP Lincolnshire and Rutland PCS branch. Based out of Lincoln Jobcentre, she has long been an advocate for her members, with a particular interest in reasonable adjustments and holding the department to account in her tenacious way when it came to the equality agenda.

Mike Shaw

Mike, who was active in PTC and its predecessors prior to the merger that created PCS, was most recently branch secretary of the DWP Doncaster branch, right from its inception to his retirement in 2014. An ever-present figure at group conference and ADC, he will be remembered by many for his contributions to debates and his suits. He always had a heavy caseload of personal cases and excelled at getting the best outcome for the many members he helped over his long years of service as a union rep.

Sarah Sinclair

Sarah was a long-standing member of DWP Greater Manchester branch with over forty years of service worked in many roles in the former DHSS, Benefits Agency and DWP. Sarah also over the years carried out the health and safety representative role. She also served on the DWP joint consultative committee, regularly meeting with senior managers and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Alison Sterling

Working as an AO in Birkenhead Jobcentre, Alison had been a loyal PCS member for over 20 years. She would always be seen at branch AGMs and members' meetings, rarely missing one, and was the best “advocate” PCS could have before advocates were a thing in the union. Alison is remembered as strong, determined, tenacious and extremely loyal, always championing the union with her colleagues and management alike.

Find essential information about the conference on the ADC 2024 web page and follow our website for further updates throughout the week.