51 days of strike action at The Pensions Regulator

Today (26) marks the 51st day of strike action in the dispute over pay.

Almost 400 PCS members at The Pensions Regulator (TPR) continue to take hard-hitting strike action as part of a long-running dispute that entered its 50th day yesterday (25).

They will take action again on January 30 and 31, as well as February 1, after being offered a 3% pay rise while other civil service employers are paying 4.5%.  

The first day of strike action took place on 5 September and there has been ongoing strike action ever since.  

There have been picket lines with at least 30 TPR members in attendance on every day of strike action - apart from one day when the weather was extreme.

Throughout this period of strike action, TPR have been totally intransigent and failed to accept PCS reasonable requests to attempt to resolve the dispute.

Members remain totally resolute in their determination to win this dispute and get the money they are owed. It is clear that staff at TPR are fully behind the dispute. PCS membership has risen to 372 from 150 in September.

The ongoing strike has also gained widespread coverage in the pensions press, placing pressure on the employer to pay up.

As well as explaining why are our members are so angry, The Financial Times’ sister publication, FT Adviser, highlighted how the ongoing strike action is creating a backlog of work and systemic disruption to TPR’s ability to deliver on their statutory duties.

PCS is calling on TPR to get back around the table to engage in discussion to resolve this dispute.

How to show your support
  • Visit the picket lines on strike days outside Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6AF.    
  • Send messages of support to editor@pcs.org.uk     
  • You can also support our striking members by making an online donation to our strike fund.

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