Trade unions under military rule in Myanmar

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How do unions function in Myanmar? Attend the meeting and find out 

Since February 2021, following a coup, the military in Myanmar (formerly Burma) have ruled the country. They have declared all unregistered unions illegal and the right to association has been suppressed. Many trade union activists have been arrested, along with 14,000 other political prisoners who were arrested protesting the regime, and over 2,000 protesters have now been killed.

Khaing Zar Aung, President of the Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) and a member of the Myanmar Labour Alliance, will speak to us about the situation in the country. 

Khaing Zar is currently living in exile in Germany as she was on a study trip when the coup happened, and the military cancelled her passport and put a warrant out for her arrest. She now acts as the global advocate for the Myanmar Labour Alliance, which was formed as a coalition of all trade unions in Myanmar fighting the military regime.

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