PCS Strike Day Rally - Central London

Start date
End date
Whitehall, opposite the entrance to Downing Street
Who's it for
All PCS members and supporters

Round off your morning on the picket lines and celebrate the third 'all out' PCS action of the pay campaign.

Join hundreds of PCS reps and members from across a range of workplaces in Whitehall and the wider London area in a huge celebration of strength.

The rally will be addressed by PCS deputy president Martin Cavanagh and John McDonnell MP.  There will also be PCS speakers representing some of the workers out on strike. Other labour and trade union movement speakers have been invited.

This will be a family friendly event.

Event Contact

Lois Austin, lois@pcs.org.uk

Event Address

The rally will take place on the green space off Whitehall, opposite the entrance to Downing Street, London SW1A 2AT